Shawn Douglas Brady 
Shawn Brady was born to Bo and Hope Brady. Shortly after his birth, The Bradys left on a three-year cruise around the world. Although he has spent a good portion of his life without Hope, he has formed bonds with several "step-moms." He has always wished for a tight family unit and, with his mother's recent return to Salem, Shawn's dreams are coming true. The Brady's were put through quite an ordeal when Shawn was kidnapped by Stefano DiMera's thugs. Stefano planned to "save" the boy and thereby make himself out to be a hero. Shawn escaped, however, before Stefano's devious plan was carried out. Later, Shawn's jacket was found floating in the river and the Brady household braced themselves for the worse. Bo launched a search for his son and was relieved to find him still alive. When Hope made the transition to Gina, she sent Shawn to the Westborough Academy. Recently, Shawn "broke out" of the boarding school and returned to Salem with a new bad-boy look and attitude to match. Back at home, Shawn openly voiced his concerns about his "mother." He sensed that something wasn't right about "Hope" but his father was too blinded by love to see the truth. Later, Gina/"Hope" forced Shawn to jump over the balcony during a wedding reception party at the penthouse grill. Shawn was injured and rushed to the hospital. Later, when "Hope" eventually died they found out that she may be Gina and Hope might still be alive, Shawn accompanied his father and family back to France to find his mother. Recently, the real Hope has returned to Salem and Bo and Shawn are enjoying a more stable family life. Back at Salem High, Shawn established himself as a dominant force. He has managed to win the attention of the girls and has made fast enemies with Philip Kiriakis. Initially, Shawn and Philip were in competition over Belle Black, but most recently, they have been butting heads trying to win Chloe Wesley's attention. Philip Kiriakis 
Philip Kiriakis is the product of a very interesting love triangle involving Victor Kiriakis, Kate Roberts, and Vivian Alamain. Technically, Vivian gave birth to Philip; she stole Victor and Kate's fertilized embryo and had it implanted in her womb. Kate, however, remains Philip's biological mother. Both women have attempted to raise Philip, until recently, the two women continued to fight for Victor's love. Philip spent much of his childhood outside of Salem but has recently returned to be spoiled by both Vivian and Kate. He developed a slight gambling problem and was forced to enlist his family's help to repay his debts. Victor adamantly refused to "rescue" his son but when he showed up late and severely beaten by a debt collector, Victor used his influence and power to save his son and get revenge on his attackers. Later, Victor forced Philip to work as an intern at Henderson's to pay off his debt. In school, Philip made his presence known among his classmates. He butted heads with Shawn Brady over the attention of Salem's beautiful young teenagers. Philip used his gambling ways to assure that Belle Black would end up at the school dance without a date so that he could make his move. Recently, however, new arrival Chloe Wesley has caught Philip's attention. At first, Philip partook in ridiculing Chloe for her eccentric behavior and dress. In time, however, he began to fall for her. Currently, Philip is struggling with exposing his feelings both to Chloe and the rest of his friends. Jason Welles 
Jason is a self-centered, trouble making and obnoxious Salem High School student on Days of our Lives. Along with his partner in crime, Jan, he encouraged Shawn and Philip to participate in the infamous video game tournament. Whoever lost the tournament would have to ask Chloe Lane (a.k.a. the Ghoul Girl) to the Last Blast Dance. The tournament ended and the lucky winner was Philip, who in all reality should thank the conniving Jason because he fell head over heals for the foxy Chloe Lane. Will Jason continue to make trouble for the teens of Salem? You bet |